Hands Off Already
Art comes in many forms, especially online. Just because mine involves code and pixels does not mean you can steal it and do whatever you like with it.
If you want my work? PAY. ME. Commission me to create a website for you just as you'd commission an artist to create a profile picture for you, or a writer to create a piece for you. It is exactly the same with my art -- if you want to use it, you pay me for my work on it. End of story. Otherwise, you are just a common, lazy thief.
"Oh please, you didn't invent HTML so I can do whatever I like with it!"
No, I did not invent the language of HTML. that doesn't mean you have a right to freely take what I make using it. You are essentially saying, "I can verbatim copy Tolkien's Lord of the Rings; he didn't invent the English language, after all." I didn't create HTML, but the particular combination and configuration of said language to make a website...that, I certainly did. Keep your sticky talentless fingers off it.
"You should feel flattered that I think your code is good enough to use!"
No, I should not feel flattered that you found my art "good enough" to steal. That is not a fucking compliment. This is: "I love your work, and I'm willing to compensate you for your time and work if you can make a piece just for me!"
No, you do not get to play the victim if you're upset that I call you out for stealing my art. Because you are not. You're the the one in the wrong; I am the victim. If you don't want people saying you've done something shitty by stealing their art, maybe try not stealing their art?
And yes, I am going to warn fellow static web designers/hobbyists about your actions, should you steal. This community is tiny and besieged enough without adding the slap in our faces of having people use our work without permission. Grow up.
(Oh, and for the record: "I have MPD and it was my other personality who stole it, not me!" will not fly as an excuse -- yes, someone went there. [Firstly, the correct term is DID. Secondly, system responsibility is a thing -- but that would require you to read up on the legitimate mental condition you're pretending to have to get away with bad behaviour, now, wouldn't it?] Also, if you knowingly continue to support or affiliate with people [or any of their various "personalities"] who steal my work? I don't want to have anything to do with you any longer. End of story.)