good songs for you to hear. they're not all hot off the presses so if you're looking for stuff currently in the oricon, don't bother. and most of the shit in the oricon is honestly pretty ordinary. (i don't care that hamasaki writes her own songs, okay? she sounds like she has a cold...all the time.) these are just songs i really love.
l'arc~en~ciel - snow drop
yeah yeah, laugh it up, chucklehead. these guys are honestly awesome.
asian kung-fu generation - siren
been playing this this one until my fingers bleed lately.
glay - winter, again
can't go wrong with glay. or at least, with this track.
tube - niji ni naritai
another one i need to learn. my friend M's favourite japanese song.
wands - sabitsuita machine gun de ima wo uchi nukou
epic. enough said.
legolgel - jikuu ryokou
this was the op or ed to some weird show my almost-little-sister was watching.
monoral - kiri
bump of chicken - butterfly
apparently my singing voice is "eerily similar" to fujiwara motou's, according to a fellow singing friend. i'll take it.
b'z - the wild wind
how amazing is matsumoto tak?
garnet crow - mysterious eyes
the only song of theirs i've really listened to, but it's great.
the yellow monkey - tactics
total earworm.
mr children - hana -mémento-mori-
buck-tick - dress
i think this is the oldest song here?
porno graffiti - mienai sekai
my friend S's favourite song (currently).