All The Girls

a Tori Amos song adoption clique

Last updated: 16 February 2024

Hey, beautiful sparkle, and welcome to All The Girls, a song adoption clique specifically for Tori Amos fans (or, one supposes, people who aren't necessarily Tori fans but happen to love a certain song or two by her). Here you can choose one or two of your favourite Tori songs and adopt them, along with a little certificate to throw onto your webpage to say you've done so!


All the Girls is based on an old Tori clique named Adopt-a-Girl that disappeared off the internet sometime in 2003; I wish I could provide a better Archive.Org link to it, but sadly, the WayBack Machine has let us down yet again, sigh. I was a member while the site still existed, and I still have my original adoption certificate, even -- it was finding this amongst my digital trinket boxes that made me nostalgic and miss the clique, so seeing that it's been dead for 20+ years and the webcliques are having a tiny revival of sorts...why not start up my own version? I'm aware Tori is nowhere near as popular as she used to be on the personal-creative net 20 years ago, but there are some of us out there who still love her, and who still love all her girls. ♥


1. You need a webpage, obviously! How else will you link back, sillyface?
[1A. Tumblr, Dreamwidth, and similar sites are very welcome! MySpace/Spacehey, Twitter, and other socnet sites are not.]
2. First come, first served. No two people can adopt the same song, I'm sorry!
3. You can adopt TWO songs, should you like!
4. No hate sites, outright pr0n sites, or generally uncool behaviour, please. Absolutely no Nazis or TERFs. :D
5. Please have the code up BEFORE~ you join -- this makes things easier for everyone.
6. Please have the code/certificate (when you receive it) either on your index page, splash page, or cliques page, and leave it up -- there will be regular checks. If I check your site and can't find the link, I'll simply assume you no longer want to be a part of the clique and your song(s) will be free to be adopted by someone else.

...that's it! Literally! When you are added to the members list, I will whip up a sweet little adoption certificate for you to display on your site, should you wish. While linking back to the clique is mandatory, displaying the certificate is wholly optional -- I just thought it would be a fun, cute, personal touch ♥

the code

Until you're approved and receive your adoption certificate, you can use this code:

my girl is Raspberry Swirl
my girls are Pretty Good Year and Snow Cherries from France

After you've received your certificate, you can link it like this!

my girl is Raspberry Swirl
my girls are Pretty Good Year and Snow Cherries from France

Or you can simply display your adoption certificate for all to see and admire!

Song Name

Variations on any of these codes are more than okay, as long as they link back to the clique itself. To style the text codes using CSS, you can use the .allthegirlsclique declaration; for the image code, use .allthegirlscert.

the girls

See the list of girls here! Those attached to links have found their homes.

ready to adopt?

Use the handy little form below! (If the form doesn't work, or if you don't hear back from me in a week, please do email me directly!)

the members

Kirryn adopted Pretty Good Year and Snow Cherries from France
Elle adopted Floating City and Mr. Zebra
Jon adopted Precious Things and Caught A Lite Sneeze
Joseph Xavier adopted Professional Widow
Capy adopted Blood Roses and Winter
E adopted The Etienne Trilogy and Northern Lad