Never give out your password or credit card number in an instant message conversation.
the Divine Miss Tachikawa Mimi says:
3 chords (& the truth) says:
the Divine Miss Tachikawa Mimi says:
'straight, unfortunately.'???
3 chords (& the truth) says:
...i'm scared, i admit it.
the Divine Miss Tachikawa Mimi says:
Oh Yamato-kun. (;__;)
the Divine Miss Tachikawa Mimi says:
You don't have to be! We all love you so much!! And you've just seen how awesome everyone is! <3
3 chords (& the truth) says:
not of everyone. jesus christ.
3 chords (& the truth) says:
did you not see me flirting with jyou? ;)
the Divine Miss Tachikawa Mimi says:
the Divine Miss Tachikawa Mimi says:
I mean, were you? (O__O)
3 chords (& the truth) says:
depends. would it still be hot?
the Divine Miss Tachikawa Mimi says:
I. SHI. DA. YA. MA. TO. (...omg yes. ::horrible gigglefit::)
the Divine Miss Tachikawa Mimi says:
You're hot, Jyou is hot, why would it not be hot? XDDDDD
3 chords (& the truth) says:
i thought you were a lesbian.
the Divine Miss Tachikawa Mimi says:
(>____<) I'm GAY, I'm not BLIND. You think I don't know hot when I see it? (Also you big dummy. If your lesbian bestie says you're hot, you're like FLAMING HOT.)
3 chords (& the truth) says:
i mean...fair play.
3 chords (& the truth) says:
how are we ever going to be able to pity fuck if you're gay, though?
3 chords (& the truth) says:
i have to ask the real questions here.
the Divine Miss Tachikawa Mimi says:
You have the honour of being my Sole Exception to all my rules, babes. (^___~)
3 chords (& the truth) says:
aw. babes. (...would it be weird if i said i was genuinely touched?)
the Divine Miss Tachikawa Mimi says:
ANYWAYS, YAMATO. Stop changing the subject! What are you afraid of?
3 chords (& the truth) says:
3 chords (& the truth) says:
him knowing, i mean.
3 chords (& the truth) says:
i don't want him twigging on to it at all. not one possibility. i'd rather die.
the Divine Miss Tachikawa Mimi says:
(;___;) Yama-chan.
the Divine Miss Tachikawa Mimi says:
But didn't you see?! He has exceptions! EXCEPTIONS! :D Who would be more exceptional than you?! YOU HAVE. A. CHANCE.
the Divine Miss Tachikawa Mimi says:
Your quarry is in sight!! FASTER, WOLFYCAT, KILL KILL!!
3 chords (& the truth) says:
oh my god. 'quarry'?
3 chords (& the truth) says:
also i don't know if you noticed, but your quarry is also "steering towards queer" to quote the love of my fucking life, god help me.
the Divine Miss Tachikawa Mimi says:
RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT?!?!?! (^__________^)
the Divine Miss Tachikawa Mimi says:
WE BOTH HAVE A CHANCE!!! Why aren't you like losing your mind about this?!
3 chords (& the truth) says:
someone has to stay sane around here, don't they?
the Divine Miss Tachikawa Mimi says:
Omfg I can't even DEAL with this. (^__^) I'm so calling you right now!!!
3 chords (& the truth) says:
fair enough. let me silence my phone so the old man won't lose his shit, and i'm all yours. well.
the Divine Miss Tachikawa Mimi says:
All Taichi's, more like (^_~)
3 chords (& the truth) says:
you sassy minx. ;)
the Divine Miss Tachikawa Mimi says:
THAT'S HOT TOO. Omfg shut up, I'm so calling you rn. BYE.
the Divine Miss Tachikawa Mimi has signed off.